Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton's views


Hillary Clinton believes that the wealthy class isn't paying enough taxes, while the middle class is paying too much.  In order to fix this issue, Clinton claims she will close corporate tax loopholes and give tax relief to working families.  This will prevent businesses from relocating overseas to dodge taxes and increase funds on roads, child care, schools, etc.

Click here to read more about Clinton's plans on taxes 


Clinton is pro-choice, supporting abortion.  She believes that a mother has every right to decide whether or not she wants to keep her child or not.

Click here to read more about Clinton's plans on abortion

Gay Marriage

Hillary is completely for marriage equality.  She states she will ensure all LGBT Americans have full equality under the law.  This will end all discrimination in schools, workplaces and all areas of our society.

Click here to read more about Clinton's plans on gay marriage

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